Introducing Functional Biology

o    Contemporary Biology

o    What is Functional Biology?

o    Why Functional Biology?


Contemporary Biology

The classical Greek meaning of Biology translates into The Study of Life.

Biology is evidently the comprehensive and integrative mother-science of all rational life sciences, the origins of which likely go back far into prehistoric times.

After a millennium of scientific dark ages and illiteracy in Europe, in the Renaissance aera (16th to 19th century) scientific Biology gradually started to recover.

Today, contemporary academic Biology is devided into specialised subdisciplines such as Zoology, Botany, Mycology, Cell Biology, Microbiology, etc. These subdisciplines primarily discover, observe, compare, and classify selective sets of living organisms by their anatomical design (and its details).

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What is Functional Biology?

At the Institute for Human Biology, we study Functional Biology pioneering as a novel systemic integrative addition to general Biology and its specialising subdisciplines.

Functional Biology expands the scientific understanding of Life and living organisms into the invisible foundational micro-dimension of living multi-molecular structures - the smallest of which (viruses) consist of at least billions of individual molecules of an incredible inhomogeneous diversity, most of which are organic molecules.

Functional Biology in the context of general Biology:

We cannot observe the actual dynamics in the molecular micro-dimension of living organisms as they happen, nor can we explain the existence of entire living multi-billion-molecule structures simply chemically.

To create an understanding of this dynamic unique biological micro-dimension, we must retro-engineer it functionally by considering the known Laws of Physics and Chemistry as well as the biospheric context of Life on the planet.

Creating a systemic scientific understanding of the autonomous Activity Living performed by all living organisms (including e.g. human) in this dynamic multi-molecular micro-dimension is the primary goal of Functional Biology, which also rationally determines scientific functional Laws of Biology in this foundational dimension of Life.

The primary scientific tool required to conduct Functional Biology is not research but consequently logical thought.

Functional Biology is Theoretical Biology.


To understand Functional Biology at all, we must make a clear rational distinction between Organic Molecules, which must be generated (metabolised) by living organisms and Carbon Molecules (carbon-containing molecules), which are confusingly also called "organic" molecules by some specialised biochemists, molecular physiologists, molecular biologists, and other chemists).

See IHB-publication:

The Biological Classification of Molecules
(Organic Molecules and Carbon Molecules)

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Why Functional Biology?

Our primary goal at the Institute for Human Biology is to determine optimal environmental life conditions and optimal behaviour dictated upon the human anatomical design by the super-imposed Laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the biospheric context of the planet.

To achieve this goal, we first need to create a rational functional understanding of the (unobservable) fundamental functional conditions and requirements to exist as a living multi-molecular structure, which is valid for all living organisms (including of course for us humans).

However, a basic understanding of Functional Biology is presently not taught at schools and universities (evidently also not to anyone being educated in any health profession), comprehensive published texts are scarce (if any).

Creating a systemic understanding of Functional Biology is therefore a most crucial pioneering field of scientific studies at the Institute for Human Biology, since this general understanding is the scientific foundation on which to build a rational biological understanding of Human Life.

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©  Institute for Human Biology
Vancouver Island, BC