IHB - about us

o    Institute for Human Biology

o    The Team



IHB - Institute for Human Biology

The Institute for Human Biology is a scientific Think Tank, dedicated to conduct the actual intellectual act of rational natural Human Life Science to the benefit of individual humans and humanity.

Our primary interest is individual and public physical, emotional, and mental health and the biological sustainability of our species.

We principally do not serve any economic, political, or military interests. The Institute for Human Biology is an international, humanitarian, neutral, independent, voluntary, self-funded, not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to conduct proactively useful human life science.

Pioneering systemic scientific work started in the early 1980s in Switzerland and has continuously been tested, applied, and consolidated since. In 2012, Martin H. Gremlich founded and organised the Institute for Human Biology, which is seated in British Columbia, Canada.

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The Scientific Team

IHB Founder, Executive Senior Scientist


Martin H. Gremlich  Phil.II, Sc.Nat., ATP

Senior Human Biologist, Natural Scientist

Science, Education, Consulting



Accredited Human Biologist


Dr. Andrew Cushing, MD

Systemic Medical Advisor, Medical Doctor

Systemic Individual and Public Health



Accredited Human Biologist


Yanik Eduardo Ruiz Cardeña

Co-thinker, Systemic Life Coach, Advisor

Systemic Nutrition, Assessments, Counselling

  The Fenix Program


Scientific Contributors

As an open organisation in a novel scientific field, we benefit from a small international number of rational thinkers, who are interested in a practical scientific understanding of human life, health, and behaviour, and with whom we discuss and approve our scientific insights. They provide us with invaluable critical feedbacks and suggestions.

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©  Institute for Human Biology
Vancouver Island, BC